My sessions will guide & teach you the poses & releases. Results are dependent upon your dedication to your practice - I suggest practicing poses 1-2 times a day.

Practice with meditation. Practice throughout the day - driving (some poses should not be done while driving), while in the bathroom, watching TV, cooking - once you’re comfortable doing a pose, don’t limit yourself to a mirror…make the time.

As for how long results long as you keep practicing, you’re in control. You don’t have to do a lot to get big results!!

CONSULTATIONS: Face or Body Yoga

Consultations are free & optional. We will discuss your areas of concern, do an evaluation & go over any questions you may have.

Most consultations & private sessions will be done via ZOOM, unless otherwise arranged.

Should you want to skip the consultation & go right into sessions, just let me know your beauty concerns when contacting. Most will begin with my “Release Session” first, so we are able to start right away.


  • In-depth & crafted based on your specific concerns

  • PDFs of the poses I teach you

  • Journey tracked & evaluated with pictures (never shared without your permission). Pictures are a great way to measure progress & give you inspiration to continue. This is optional.

I have payment options to make this as affordable & attractive as possible especially to my dedicated face yogi’s…

Pay Per Session -or- Prepay Multiple Sessions & Save

Contact Kayla for Pricing



Please don’t hesitate to contact me about other face yoga possibilities beyond private sessions.

Whether you want to do a small gathering with friends or you’re a yoga studio owner looking to set yourself apart from another studio’s flow…

Contact me to discuss pricing for gatherings, workshops or other creative settings - to me, the possibilities are endless…I welcome your interest:)
